Men’s Issues

1395298514Why are our issues different?

Because we ARE different; we’re guys and don’t want to be vulnerable or talk about that stuff.

We’re supposed to be the strong ones, the ones who keep everyone else together. We’re superhuman, right? But not talking about it just hurts us.

Men, on average, live ten years less than women. And it only worsens as we age; we communicate less, and our world becomes smaller. Let’s not follow this pattern anymore.

Something has got to give.

Maybe you can put your finger on the specific issue bothering you, or perhaps it’s just a vague uneasiness in your gut.

Whatever the case, it all feels like too much, and you simply don’t know where to begin. That’s where we will start. Together, we can pinpoint and address the areas in your life that need work.

This doesn’t mean you’re weak or less of a man; it just means you need help from someone who can guide you.

1486344695Let’s figure it out together.

I’ve been around and have lived many lives. I’m here to listen to your stories and experiences and connect with you. Like, really connect. And the earlier that happens, the sooner we can begin our work and start seeing results.

I’ll listen to your stories without judgment, and we’ll use various strategies and tools.

For example, perhaps you had someone in your life that you used to look up to. What advice might they give you now if they could?

Imagine that you could meet your much older self and honestly discuss your current situation – what might older you share?

If you could start over again, what type of life would you choose? That’s how we move you to the next better place – it’s not just one thing. We use everything.

We’ll devise a game plan to get your life back on track. Perhaps it’s a complete factory reboot, or maybe you need a few tweaks and edits.

Regardless, you are not alone and deserve to be happy and whole.

Therapy can change your life.

This is your life. As far as most of us know, this is the only one we get – make it matter. I cannot call you. You have to make the first move here and reach out.

There is a better life awaiting you. You can and should live the life you deserve.

Let’s create a plan so you’re comfortable in your skin and life.

You need to be your best self, beginning with learning how to treat yourself as your best friend.

If you’re tired of being tired, give me a call to set up your free consultation today: (516) 313-6338.